Hammer Injury Law is Proud to Serve Injured Northwest Territory Residents

Rick Mallett of Hammer Injury Law has practiced personal injury law in the Northwest Territories since 1997. He has extensive experience with the driving conditions and laws that apply in the Northwest Territories. Whether driving on the Deh Cho Bridge on the Northwest Territories Highway 3 or on a road trip on the Mackenzie Highway, Hammer Injury Law understands motor vehicle accidents in the Northwest Territories.

Hammer Injury Law’s Northwest Territory Injury Law Experience

Rick Mallett understands highway collisions and how dangerous rural highways can be in Canada. As a member of the American Association of Truck Accident Attorneys and past president of the Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association (ACTLA), Rick understands the challenges of attaining justice from an accident on rural highways. Additionally, Hammer Injury Law understands the region’s unique road conditions and harsh climate. Factors such as road conditions, weather, and time of day can impact a claim and fault on a file. An experienced injury lawyer who understands the different elements that can affect a file is critical to achieving a fair settlement.

Rick has represented injured persons and their families in the  Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories. He understands what it takes to advocate for injured citizens of the Northwest Territories. Based on Rick’s reputation and network of experts, he can utilize the best medical experts and other specialists in the Northwest Territories to determine the extent of your injuries and advance your claim. One of the biggest challenges in the Northwest Territories is access to specialists and medical expertise. As an experienced injury lawyer familiar with representing injured Northwest Territory citizens, Rick has previously seen files delayed or held up due to access to experts and specialists.

Can an Injury Lawyer in Edmonton Represent My File in NWT?

Absolutely. There can be many benefits to having a lawyer familiar with the region but not based there. The first is avoiding conflicts of interest. As an independent boutique personal injury firm based in Edmonton, Hammer Injury Law only represents injured victims. Hammer Injury Law does not do any insurance defence or other elements of the law. Thus, Hammer Injury Law can handle your case thoroughly without distraction from other practice areas.

Another element of having an injury lawyer not based in your region is that the insurance company will likely handle your file remotely. The insurance company’s in-house lawyer will probably be based in Alberta and utilize videoconferencing software to represent the insurance company’s interests. Thus, it’s conceivable that a local injury lawyer would have to be using videoconference software to interact with the insurance company even though they are based in the same community as you.

Additionally, while there are great injury lawyers all over Canada, there are fewer injury lawyers in rural settings and injury lawyers in rural communities can be incredibly overworked. There are only so many cases one firm can handle, so in some cases, while a client may prefer to have a local representative, it just may not be possible. If you cannot attain representation locally, that’s ok; Hammer Injury Law offers free consultations where you can meet and discuss your case with Rick Mallett at no charge. In this meeting, you can discuss your concerns about using a lawyer based in Alberta and ask questions about your case.

Finally, having an injury lawyer not based in your community may be beneficial. Where you may not want to think about your case as it is unfolding or may want to compartmentalize that element of your life, with local representation, it may be harder to do this as you will see their office or run into your lawyer in public. Also, there’s an element of anonymity with having an injury lawyer not based in your community. You won’t be seen entering or leaving an injury lawyer’s office, and nobody will know you are seeking justice due to an accident. At the same time, there is nothing to be ashamed of in seeking compensation due to the fault of another party, some people just like their privacy.

Understand Your Rights

Whether you are in Yellowknife, Inuvik, Wrigley, or anywhere in between, it is essential to understand your rights. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident in the Northwest Territories, you may be entitled to compensation due to your injuries. Do not let geography or perceived access to justice limit your ability for compensation. A personal injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and knows the laws of your area to best assist you in moving forward.

Call The Hammer

Hammer Injury Law is proud to represent injured Northwest Territory Residents. If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident as a result of the negligence of another driver, don’t suffer alone. Contact Rick Mallet at Hammer Injury Law for a free consultation.