When Edmonton car accident lawyers talk about injury law and your rights and responsibilities as a motorist, they discuss the “Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation“. This is the basic regulation that outlines how all users must operate vehicles on the highways in Alberta. We commonly refer to these regulations and how they impact motor vehicle traffic. However, these regulations also apply to other modes of transportation, such as bicycles or pedestrians.
Edmonton car accident lawyers understand these regulations and their various applications. Suppose you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident and have found yourself reading these regulations to know how they may impact your case. You should contact Hammer Injury Law for a free consultation. Hammer Injury Law can go through your case and explain how the Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation applies.
What is the Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation
This regulation “governs the utilization of highways and the use and operation of vehicles in respect of speeding, signalling, passing, turning, yielding, stopping, parking and other matters. Rules regarding the driving and operation of school buses, emergency and maintenance vehicles and motorcycles and other cycles are established”. Edmonton car accident lawyers use this regulation to help determine fault in an accident. Was the driver operating a vehicle in a manner that is consistent with the regulation and thus negligent in their use of their vehicle and at fault? You may be entitled to compensation if the vehicle or vehicles involved in your collision were deemed at fault. An Edmonton car accident lawyer can help determine this.
Common Regulations Cited from the Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation
Driving at appropriate speed
2(1) A person shall not do any of the following:
(a) notwithstanding that a speed limit is prescribed by or pursuant to the Act or any other Act in respect of a highway, drive a vehicle on that highway at any rate of speed that is unreasonable having regard to all the circumstances, including without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the following:
(i) the nature, condition and use of the highway;
(ii) the atmospheric, weather or other conditions that might affect the visibility of the driver or the control of the vehicle;
(iii) the amount of traffic that is or that might reasonably be expected to be on the highway;
(iv) the mechanical condition of the vehicle or any equipment on the vehicle;
Speed is a common factor in motor vehicle collisions and thus is an essential piece of the regulations for an Edmonton car accident lawyer. Specifically, the speed at which a vehicle travels is relevant to the weather conditions of the road. In basic terms, if it’s snowy or icy, then slow down.
Yielding and Stopping
Right of way at intersections
34(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Part or Part 2, when 2 vehicles approach or enter an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time, the person driving the vehicle to the left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right.
(2) A person driving a vehicle shall not turn or attempt to turn the vehicle to the left across the path of an approaching vehicle unless the turn can be completed in safety.
This is a common issue in catastrophic accidents, where a vehicle attempts to turn left across the path of an approaching vehicle and the turn is not completed safely, causing a collision. These often happen at a great rate of speed and thus cause serious injuries.
Red Traffic Lights
54(1) When, at an intersection, a red light is shown by a traffic control signal, a person driving a vehicle that is approaching the intersection and facing the red light
(a) shall stop the vehicle
(i) immediately before the marked crosswalk that is on the near side of the intersection, or
(ii) if there is not any marked crosswalk, then immediately before the intersection,
(b) shall not, until a traffic control signal instructs the person that the person is permitted to do so, drive the vehicle so that the vehicle or any portion of the vehicle is
(i) across the marked crosswalk and into the intersection, or
(ii) if there is not any marked crosswalk, into the intersection.
Traffic lights feature prominently in the regulations. They often also play a role in vehicle collisions such as rear-end collisions, right-turn accidents, failing to stop, and many other occurrences that Edmonton car accident lawyers are all too familiar with.
My Accident Isn’t Clearly Outlined in the Alberta Rules of the Road Regulation, What Can I Do?
The regulations are written in legal terms and do not show how they are expected to be applied. It is common to read them and think your accident doesn’t apply. However, if you feel like your accident isn’t outlined in the Alberta Rules of the Road Regulation, you should contact an Edmonton car accident lawyer. Rick Mallett, Founder of Hammer Injury Law can help you understand who is at fault in your accident and what your options are moving forward. Hammer Injury Law offers free consultations and Rick Mallett has represented hundreds of injured Albertans in his career.
Hammer Injury Law, Edmonton Car Accident Lawyer
If you have been injured in a car accident as a result of the negligence of someone else, get the compensation you deserve. Rick Mallett is an experienced Edmonton car accident lawyer who can help you understand your rights and move forward after your accident.